Appedo - Application Performance Monitoring

Unified Performance Testing and Performance Monitoring Platform

Load Testing

Stress the application with 1000s of concurrent users.

Measure the response time of every page and page component.

Simulate virtual desktop browser users and mobile users.

Deploy with confidence with 100% performance assurance.

Server Side Monitoring

IT Ops and Dev Ops need every aspect of your applications and databases. 

Unless the apps, servers and databases perform optimally, end users will feel slowness. Monitor the entire stack in one place.

Monitor Operating System, Databases, Application servers and isolate the poor performing areas.

Synthetic User Monitoring

It is how your customers see your app, from their locations.

Measure the speed of web apps from the last mile, where the end user exists.

Speed of the page is the top most item for the best user experience. Monitor your app from 40+ world-wide locations.

Real User Monitoring

Insights about your real users, helps you to sell and up-sell, in a better and easy way. 

Tracking every visit and details about real users, helps marketing and business teams to make informed decisions.

Measure real user traffic based on your marketing campaigns.

Log File Monitoring

Applications and subsystems write log files continuously.

What exactly happened during error and exception situations, are visible only when you view the log files.

Don't let your important log information vaporize into a black-hole. Take control of it.

Open Source

Appedo Open Source APM is available in github.

On-Premises Version

Appedo APM Works on-premises as well as on cloud.


SI vendors can provide support and services using Appedo APM.


Achieve super fast response time, resolve performance issues quickly and save money.